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Editor’s Note

A gas can

That was a long 9 months, ya’ll.

I decided to go into healthcare at the start of the COVID pandemic.

The entire rest of the world lost their jobs for the same reason.

I think there will be a huge uptick in creativity from here on out, when we look back on things.

People finally have time to sit with their thoughts, to create what they want to create.

There was never anything better to do, but now they know it for sure.

It is wonderful to be able to help spread art around like ketchup on a vegan burger. We need that flavor, cause you know what? Not the real thing. But I’m a vegetarian, so.

Get your vaccines. Try not to fight too much, but just the right amount. By reading this, you have already proven that you care about life beyond just a dollar for yourself. But people need dollars, so I am very pleased we can continue to pay our great contributors.

Anyway, this was always going to happen. A crisis was always going to happen. It still could happen again. But now we are a little more inured to it– we know how to expect the unexpected.

And don’t stop voting just cause this one election went your way.

Thanks for reading. I know you’ll enjoy it. Don’t skip work zoom meetings for this, but uh… you know… if your eyes happen to wander…

Aubade with Mother Gone

Flight Of the Bumblebee

Love in the Time of Vertigo

Postcard from Soviet Moscow

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